

I’ve decided this blog is therapy for me now…. jk I’m not going to always freak out on here. So recently I think all the men that I have any interaction with are losing their minds. Boston decided we could be friends again… more than friends in his mind and he kissed me. It was weird, good, but I really wasn’t into it so I was kind of glad I got that out of my system so I can just move on. I know that sounds pretty harsh, but… well I’m always curious and now I don’t feel inclined to flirt with him at work. 🙂

I’ve been doing the whole online thing… in a way. It’s with that Tinder app. I matched with like 12 guys in my first 3 hours on it and was talking to 3 of them pretty quickly after that. That was about 3 weeks ago or so. I’ve since been asked out by 6 of them. 3 of them have bailed on dates for various reasons, usually they just disappear or they admit to being uber cheap and then back off. I’m not asking for a dinner that is $100 a plate. Burger King has 50 cent ice cream cones. I would go with that. I mean we’re just meeting, not deciding we’re going to be a couple. Obviously I don’t know if they are psycho or not yet. Short and sweet is always nice on the first meeting anyway. I met one guy who is from Alaska and he was nice but about 2 inches shorter than me… I try not to care too much, but that just makes me feel awkward. Like I need to protect him or something… He was really nice though. Totally reminded me of one of my best guy friends. Well then the next week I met a guy from South Carolina (e will refer to him as SC in the future) and he was way nice, at least my height and makes me laugh a ton! We met up spontaneously for dinner and I was back before my roommie went to bed (she thinks she’s like 80, but she’s only 26) so it was short and sweet and didn’t make me feel like I needed a break. Now I know this is making it sound like I am super hard to please, but I am not. Seriously. I just like to have a good balance of interaction that is not overwhelming, because like I said in the last post you’ve got to play the game and if you are overly interested quickly then I lose interest and/or get freaked out. Plus I am not looking for anything serious right now. I rather enjoy being able to do what I want when I want and one of those things is going on a cruise in May that will be full of single people! I mean really it is kinda like the Natasha Bedingfield song Single… I’m not opposed to a relationship, but I’m not looking for it necessarily.

Well last weekend I ended up going out with Arizona. He’s closer to my age, 6’5″ and well…. yeah. 🙂 We went to a burger joint in my home town that apparently he frequents because he is a loyalty member there. I had NEVER been! Passed it hundreds of times, but never stopped. I felt so relaxed and comfortable with him I was hoping there was more than just dinner when it was coming to the end of that. Apparently he felt the same way and we headed back to his place. He owns a home and it was very nice. He has done a lot of work on it and let’s just say that was insanely attractive! We played some cards and he repeatedly won in speed, California speed and then in Black Jack. At one point it was even in slow motion…. so embarrassing! We laughed a lot and when we decided to watch a movie I had no problem being close to him, which has rarely been the case with guys I have met lately. After the movie we just talked and talked until he finally took me back to my car at 2am! I had to work at 6:30, but I didn’t care. He held my hand on the way back to my car and it was weird how comfortable it was. Seriously I am usually like walking with a huge bubble on first dates. We’ve been talking every day since and we hung out on Sunday too. He texts me good morning, every morning and I find myself looking forward to it. I am trying not to lose my head over this, but even last night when I went out with SC again I just wanted to be texting Arizona. He told me last night when we were texting that he likes things about me and is working toward liking me. It has only been a week… but is that like guy speak for “I do like you so far, but I’ve only known you for a week” ?

I’ve gotta stop thinking so much and slow down or I’m in trouble…

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