Tag Archives: motivation

You are what you eat, but more importantly… you are what you THINK


Wow! Sorry for the long delay… I just entered my last month as an undergrad, only 4 weeks til I graduate! Holy crap! So anyway I’ll give you a brief synopsis of my life as of late. Obviously I am nearing graduation with my bachelors (woot!), Arizona is once again out of my life. I told him I didn’t want it to be one sided and it immediately was so I just stopped talking to him. No need for drama about something stupid. He did try to text me yesterday, but it was just some lame “hey hope you are doing well. Sorry I haven’t talked to you lately.” Texting someone takes 2 seconds. Seriously I feel like he is just trying to keep me as his back burner. I’ve got news for him. I am too awesome and too dang beautiful to be anyone’s back burner girl! So I just ignored it. Unluckily for him I have already met, dated and moved on from his type. I believe in second chances, but he blew his within days. I read somewhere “what you will allow is what will continue” so I nipped this in the bud before it could even think about growing. 🙂 Besides I have been working with the Trainer and well, my confidence is growing. I am not settling anymore in life. I don’t just mean in dating either.

We just went through this challenge where I was to do 1000 squats in 5 days, it was a test to see if I am programmed to be a fighter or a quitter. I thought for sure I was a quitter because I had just talked to my mom 2 days before the meeting with The Trainer and I had told her I just want to quit. Well after the beginning of day 1 I decided to up it because I felt like it was nothing. So I upped it to 3500 in 5 days and guess what? I owned every. single. one. It got hard fitting them in and what not, but I realized I am not only a fighter, but I don’t push myself very hard and I don’t have much faith in myself. Now it’s been a week and I realized I do NOT live up to my potential. I am ALWAYS selling myself short. I have realized what an effect my thoughts have been having on me. I sell myself short in so many ways. I have worked hard to get where I am and I continue to do so and by expecting that out of a future significant other I am not and I repeat NOT being unreasonable. There is nothing wrong with expecting AT LEAST what you are giving. If I get more then yay, because I plan to continue improving so great, but I really only want someone who is trying and doing the things I expect out of myself too.

The Trainer had me find my purpose in life, like my specific very personal purpose and I decided it is to help people, to better the lives of all who I come in contact with. In whatever way I can… I want nothing more than to do that and since discovering it I am finding it all over the place being proven to me over and over and over. Personal training/ life coaching are my goals. I also want to do recruiting so I know even more so how to work with people and so I can help people find the jobs they want/ help companies find who they are looking for.

My life has purpose and I am going after it, so I guess now if a man wants to join with me he can either hop on the crazy ride or take a hike because I know where I am going and NOTHING is going to stop me. Besides, who wants to be with someone who wants to squash their dreams anyway?!

Life is what you make it, so no one (not even yourself) has the right to tell you that you can’t do it!